During Library media class, fourth grade students read The Boy who Harnessed the Wind. They were challenged to build a windmill to save a Lego figure from a flood as the boy built a windmill to bring electricity and running water to his village. The students used recycled materials and collaborated with their team to design their windmill. They tested their inventions, failed, and made improvements as needed. What creative students who persevered through the challenge!
7 days ago, Julie Dorsey
building a windmill
Building a windmill
Building a
Building a window
Building a
Building a wind
The boy who harnessed the wind
building a windmill
testing the windmill
During recess, fourth graders have the option of coming to the music room and playing a song on the recorder for Miss Casey. If they have note accuracy and rhythm accuracy, and their fingerings are correct, they earn their next karate belt. Check out the bottom of your child's recorder to see how many belts they've earned. Way to go fourth graders!
21 days ago, Julie Dorsey
recorder karate
recorder karate
Recorder karate?
Recorder karate
Recorder karate
Recorder karate
Recorder karate
In first grade art class, students painted landscapes showing depth with foreground, middleground, and background. The class looked at the house across the street and saw how small the houses are when they're far away. The lesson was conducted using guided drawing as the teacher modeled each part for the students. The results were masterpieces!
22 days ago, Julie Dorsey
first grade art class
First grade art class
First grade art class
First grade art class
First grade art class
First grade art class
First grade art
First grade art class
First grade art class
First grade art class
In fourth grade, mathematicians were renaming mixed numbers as fractions greater than 1. After students solved the problem, they shared with their partners, and then were challenged to solve it another way.
23 days ago, Julie Dorsey
fourth grade math
Fourth grade
Fourth grade
Fourth grade
Fourth grade
Fourth grade
LaPerche students had a blast in the snow today with their friends. Spending time outside, playing in the snow, enjoying nature and being creative was a great way to spend recess!
24 days ago, Julie Dorsey
Fun in the snow!
Fun in the snow!
Fun in the snow!
Fun in the snow!
Fun in the snow!
Fun in the snow!
Fun in the snow!
Fun in the snow!
Fun in the snow!
Fun in the snow!
On Thursday, January 30, LaPerche hosted the school spelling bee. 8 fourth and fifth graders competed to represent LaPerche at the district spelling bee. Congratulations to Arianna and Mikey who were our top two spellers. The best part was each class celebrating their amazing spellers. Congratulations!
about 1 month ago, Julie Dorsey
spelling bee win
Spelling bee winners
Spelling bee celebration
Spelling bee celebration
Spelling bee celebration
Spelling bee celebration
Spelling bee celebration
Spelling bee
Spelling bee celebration
Spelling bee celebration
In first grade students are reviewing digraphs, two letters that make one sound. Students searched for th, sh, ch and ck. First, they find the digraphs in the story and highlight the words. Then, they read the story to a partner. Finally, they illustrate the story to show they comprehend what they read. First graders are readers!
2 months ago, Julie Dorsey
searching for digraphs
Reading with a partner
Reading with a
Searching for di
Reading with a partner
In fourth grade students are working on multiplying in unit and standard form. The students had their individual whiteboards which significantly increases engagement. Everyone worked at their own pace and were able to show what they know. This allows the teacher to do a quick check to see who understands the concept. Go fourth grade mathematicians!
2 months ago, Julie Dorsey
personal whiteboard
Personal whiteboard
Show what you know
It's station time in second grade. Some students are at word work, others at book bins, some are working with the teacher, and others are working at their own level on our reading program, Lexia. Station time is the perfect opportunity for teachers to work with a small group of students. What focused, hard-working the second graders!
3 months ago, Julie Dorsey
working with teacher
station time
station time
station time
station time
Visit Smithfield HS for the Sentinel Showcase to learn more about our Career & Technical (CTE) programs, our top academics, athletics, & clubs. Tuesday, Dec. 3 from 6-8 p.m. Middle school students and families are encouraged to attend. Open to all grade levels at SPS.
3 months ago, Dawn Bartz
The SHS Sentinel Showcase is Tuesday, Dec. 3 from 6-8 p.m. A great opportunity for middle school students & their families to see what Smithfield High has to offer. Middle & High School students from other districts are welcome to attend if interested in our CTE pathways.
3 months ago, Dawn Bartz
Thank you to all of our students, staff, & families for donations of food. The SHS Football team donated frozen turkeys. Pictured at OCRS are Ryan, Ben, Joe, & Ralph. We had a tremendous outpouring of support this year!
3 months ago, Dawn Bartz
Third graders read the story, Brave Girl, the story of Clara Lemlich, who helped bring awareness to the conditions girls were facing working in garment factories in the 1900's. The third graders worked in groups to determine the effects of the 1909 strike. Third graders will tell you that the strike helped increase the hourly wages and make the working environment safer for for women and girls.
3 months ago, Julie Dorsey
working in teams
working in teams
working in teams
working in teams
working in teams
working in teams
working in teams
Second graders are focused readers. First, they read through the play themselves. Then they partnered up and supported each other as they read. They switched from being the teacher to the student. The kids used inflection, recognized punctuation and practiced their fluency. Second graders at LaPerche are Reading Rockstars!
4 months ago, Julie Dorsey
Second grade readers
Second grade readers
Second grade readers
Second grade readers
Second grade read
Second grade readers
Second grade readers
Second graders are focused readers. First, they read through the play themselves. Then they partnered up and supported each other as they read. They switched from being the teacher to the student. The kids used inflection, recognized punctuation and practiced their fluency. Second graders at LaPerche are Reading Rockstars!
4 months ago, Julie Dorsey
Second grade readers
Second grade readers
Second grade readers
Second grade readers
Second grade read
Second grade readers
Second grade readers
We had an amazing Veterans Day ceremony today at LaPerche today where 21 Veterans were honored. The Veterans shared many lessons with the students, including the importance of having a strong work ethic and being disciplined, being trustworthy and dependable. They shared stories about missing their families when they were deployed, meeting people who became lifelong friends and all of the exciting experiences that come with being in the military. LaPerche students understand how lucky they are to live in a country that is free. We are the home of the free because of the brave. Thank you for your service and sacrifice!
4 months ago, Julie Dorsey
honoring the veterans
honoring the veterans
honoring the veterans
honoring the veterans
honoring the veterans
honoring the veterans
honoring the veterans
honoring the veterans
honoring the veterans
honoring the veterans
This Veterans Day, we honor and appreciate the dedication of those who have served our country, both in our schools and within our community. Their commitment and sacrifice deserve our utmost gratitude. #VeteransDay #ThankYou
4 months ago, Dawn Bartz
The Smithfield Public Schools has received $85,000 from the Arts Grant II to continue to support our work in the fine and performing arts as well as our CTE programs. This will help us to purchase needed materials that will directly benefit our students and staff.
4 months ago, Dawn Bartz
arts grant
Second and fifth grade reading buddies came together to make their own slime. They determined how much glue, baking soda and secret activator, saline solution, they had to combine to make their slime the perfect consistency so it could stretch, but not be too sticky. Students love when they get to work with their reading buddies.
4 months ago, Julie Dorsey
Reading Budd
Reading buddies
Reading buddies
Reading buddies
Reading buddies
Reading buddies
Reading buddies
In third grade today during morning meeting, the students discussed the word empathy, understanding how someone else feels. They discussed a recess situation and gave their opinion on how each person was feeling and how they could've solved the situation in an effective way. When students are empathetic, they connect with each other and better understand each other.
5 months ago, Julie Dorsey
understanding empath
Understanding empath
Understanding empathy