Life of a Pat’s fan! What a game, what a game! Onto the Super Bowl!
January 21, 2019
This upcoming week is a busy one at LaPerche--please check out all of the events taking place. Please don’t forget to pack snow gear for your child. Although it is bitter cold today it is scheduled to warm up significantly all week.
Did you have a chance to talk with your child about why we were not in school today? Dr. Martin Luther King’s message of countering hate with love is an important one for all of us but especially for young children. When our students have difficulty getting along with a friend, we bring them together to talk and get to know each other. Kids are not born hating each other, unfortunately they learn it from adults. Let’s all continue to model love, acceptance, and a willingness to learn from others.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019:
8:00am--School Improvement Team Meeting--The group will meet in the library. Thank you in advance for serving!
11:00 am-Tomorrow kicks off our local food ambassador program as we raise awareness of the Farm-to-School program and introduce kids to healthy foods through cafeteria taste-testings. We are looking for a few more volunteers for our first taste testing. Tomorrow LaPerche students will have the opportunity to taste cinnamon roasted butternut squash. Shhhh, don’t tell the kids. We want them to taste with an open mind and try and discover the various ingredients in the recipe. Of course, students will not have to taste anything and it will all be voluntary.
If your child has any allergies, please check out the ingredient below and let us know if your child should not participate. Thank you! Please email Mrs. Dorsey and Mrs. Forte
18-5/8 pound | Squash, Butternut, Fresh |
1 cup | Oil, Canola |
1-2/3 cup | Juice, Orange, 100>#/p### |
1 tbsp | Spice, Cinnamon, Ground |
2 tbsp | Sugar, Brown, Light |
Training for all SMITHFIELD volunteers will be hosted at: LAPERCHE ELEMENTARY 11 Limerock Road Tuesday, January 22, 2018 11:00am – 1:00pm--After the short training, we will conduct taste testings during first and second lunch (11:45 and 12:25). Please email Mrs. Dorsey at if you can volunteer tomorrow.
6:30 PM--Adult Book Club--If I have to tell you one more Amy McCready. Our next scheduled meeting is Tuesday January 22, but unfortunately I have to attend a budget meeting and need to move the event. Let’s move it one week out to next Tuesday, January 29 at 6:30 in the school library. I apologize for the inconvenience. Please email Mrs. Dorsey at if you plan to attend. Thank you!
Thursday, January 25, 2019:
9:00 am--LaPerche School Spelling Bee--The winners of the fourth and fifth grade classroom spelling bees will compete against each other for the opportunity to represent LaPerche at the district spelling bee on Friday, February 1 at 9:45. Families of the winners are invited to attend. Classroom teachers sent emails to inform the families! Congratulations to all!
6:30 pm--Join us for the showing of Screenagers at 6:30 pm at Smithfield High School. The film is an important one for all adults to see as well as students in upper elementary and older. Visit the event on the school calendar for all the details. Please sign up at this link to reserve your seats. I strongly encourage all fourth and fifth graders and their families to attend.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Friday evening--Your choice of dinner time--Calling all LaPerche Families--Please come and join us for a delicious pasta dinner on Friday, January 25. The event will take place at Smithfield High School. That evening, the 5th grade students from LaPerche will be your hosts, wait and bus staff and will be ready to take care of your every need!
Tickets for the event are $7 for an adult, $5 for a child or $25 for a family. Please visit this link to sign up by Wednesday, January 23 so we can plan for the correct amount of food.
5th grade families--please register for your family to attend but do not include your fifth grader in the total number. Thank you!
The Rhode Island Department of Education recently shared school accountability information as well as school rankings on the RIDE website. LaPerche scored a 4 out of 5 stars. Take a few minutes to review the information about how the rating was determined.
Assistance for Families--I want to remind everyone that families can apply for free and reduced lunches at any time during the school year, especially when there's a change in income. The government shutdown has affected many families. If you have knowledge of a family affected by this, please encourage them to fill out a lunch application. Please reach out to Mrs. Bazinet at for a school lunch applications.
All forms for the Girl’s Choice Dance are due on Friday, January 25. Late forms will not be accepted. Forms were sent home last week. Please reach out to your child’s teacher, or use the link above to print, if you need an additional form.
LaPerche Elementary has a new website as do all of the schools in the district. Please take some time to check out the site. Have you downloaded the app to your smartphone? Search Smithfield Public Schools in the app store.
On Tuesday, January 29, LaPerche fifth graders are heading to Gillette Stadium for an awesome field trip. Please return permission slips ASAP. If you need an additional form, please reach out to your child’s teacher.