Return to School

Back to School Report #5

September 17, 2021

Dear Smithfield Staff and Families,

This 5th edition of the Back to School report includes our weekly report on COVID cases, information regarding flu clinics, staying home when sick, testing requirements, and town data. 

A Weekly Report on COVID Cases

We learned that one of the three reported cases last week was actually not COVID-positive.  Another four cases were confirmed this week for a total of six cases since the start of the school year.  This week’s cases were a staff member from LaPerche, a student at Smithfield High School, a student at Gallagher Middle School, and student at Old County Road School.  Our new COVID response team assisted with contact tracing and calling close contacts.  Due to the new rules regarding quarantines, few had to be quarantined, though a number of students are required to watch for symptoms and be tested on day 5.  

Staying Home When Sick 

We ask that all parents keep their children home if they are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 that cannot be explained by some other illness that has been documented by your pediatrician.  For example, a student may come to school with a headache but has either a diagnosis of migraines, or has not eaten breakfast.  After either treating the migraine, and/or allowing the student to eat, the headache resolves.  That student may remain in school.  
This year, if your child develops any one of the COVID-19 symptoms during the school day you will be called to pick up the child and any sibling(s). RIDOH/RIDE advises that parents of symptomatic individuals seek medical advice.  A negative PCR test is needed before that student can return to school. Once a negative PCR result for the symptomatic student has been documented, the siblings may return to school as well.

Flu Clinics

The flu has many of the same symptoms as COVID19 and can make some individuals very sick, can reduce attendance in schools, and can stress our health care system further.  Vaccination for the flu is most effective at this time of year.  To support the health of our school community, we are hosting a faculty and staff flu clinic on Wednesday, October 6 from 2-4:30 at the High School cafeteria.  The SHS student flu clinic will be held on Wednesday, October 6 from 8:00-10:30am in the cafeteria.  

Testing Requirements
There have been many questions regarding testing requirements.  If a person is deemed a close contact and is fully vaccinated, that person is required to test on day 3-5 after exposure.  If a person is not vaccinated and is deemed a close contact, that person must be tested immediately then again on days 5-7.  Persons experiencing any symptom of COVID19 are also required to be tested.  Please contact your school nurse or a member of the COVID response team if you have questions about whether or not to be tested.  
Town Data
Good job, Smithfield!  While RI’s numbers last week went up, Smithfield’s went down.  Last week, the number of new COVID cases in Smithfield was 25 while the state’s figure was 1912 (from 1918 last week).  The town rate corresponds to a daily rate of 3.6 new cases per 22,000 residents, or about 16.4 per 100,000. This is considered substantial transmission.  This data is available at  

Judy Paolucci, Superintendent

Back to School Report #4

September 10, 2021


Dear Smithfield Staff and Families,


This 4th edition of the Back to School report includes our weekly report on COVID cases, information regarding vaccination rates in Smithfield school, testing for close contacts, travel guidance, and town data.


A Weekly Report on COVID Cases

We are aware of 2 staff members and one student who are currently infected with the virus.  These three will be the start of our official count as we begin the new school year. 


Vaccination Rates for Eligible Students at SHS & GMS 

The percentage of eligible students that have been fully vaccinated is 47.8% at GMS and 63.3% at SHS.  The percentage across the state for all eligible individuals is 65.3%.  We encourage all families to consider vaccination for their eligible children.  Not only does vaccination protect the individual from serious illness, but it also slows the spread of COVID in the community, reduces the numbers of quarantines, and contributes toward an end to the pandemic.  To register to be vaccinated at one of the State-run sites, visit  You can also register at the next Smithfield clinic, which will be held on Saturday, September 11th, from 8am to noon, at SHS.  Use this link to register: 


Testing of All Close Contacts

One of the changes instituted by RIDOH this year is that testing is now required for ALL close contacts, regardless of vaccination status, in accordance with Executive Order 21-94.  Unvaccinated close contacts must quarantine if they don’t meet an exemption and must get tested immediately after being identified as a close contact and, if negative, get tested again five to seven days after last exposure or immediately if symptoms develop during quarantine. They also should continue monitoring symptoms for 14 days after exposure. Fully vaccinated individuals must get tested three to five days after the date of exposure and wear a mask in public, indoor settings for 14 days.  



There is currently no mandate regarding quarantines following travel.  What we ask our families to do is to consider the relative risk of their travel plans and consider voluntary quarantines, if applicable.  For example, traveling out of state for a hiking trip is certainly a lower risk activity than traveling to a state where COVID is running rampant for a concert.  Please consider that we all are members of the Smithfield community and our actions may affect the health and safety of other members of our community.


Town Data

Last week, the number of new COVID cases in Smithfield remained fairly steady at 29 as did the state’s figure at 1912 (from 1918 last week).  The town rate corresponds to a daily rate of 4.1 new cases per 22,000 residents, or about 18.8 per 100,000. This is considered substantial transmission.  This data is available at  


Judy Paolucci, Superintendent