Return to School Report #3
September 3, 2021
Dear Smithfield Staff and Families,
This 3rd edition of the Back to School report (2021-2022) includes our weekly report on COVID cases, information regarding COVID tests, reporting close contacts, our new COVID team, and town data. For additional news about Smithfield Schools, see the September newsletter, available at:
A Weekly Report on COVID Cases
While we are not sure that we would receive notifications of positive COVID cases among our students and staff during the summer, we are aware of two additional cases for staff members. Official counts and totals will begin once school begins.
When and How Should You Get Tested?
Any individual, regardless of vaccination status who has any single symptom of COVID-19 should be excluded from school if they do not have a more likely diagnosis that is documented by a healthcare provider. Siblings should be excluded from school pending the results of the PCR test. If positive, students must follow isolation guidelines. If negative, they are allowed to return to school when they are fever free for 24 hours and symptoms have improved. If the individual refuses to get tested, they must have a note from a healthcare provider indicating that the symptoms are consistent with another diagnosis (i.e. strep throat). To schedule a test go to or call 401-222-8022.
Reporting Close Contacts to RIDOH
As we assist RIDOH with contact tracing, we are required to submit names and contact information of ALL close contacts. The following groups of people are considered close contacts but are exempt from quarantine:
• Fully vaccinated close contacts;
• Close contacts who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 during the past 90 days; and
• Individuals who meet the criteria for a K-12 Close Contact Exception
If the school knows who falls into these three categories, we share that information on the close contact spreadsheet that is submitted to RIDOH.
A K-12 student exposed to another K-12 student infected with COVID-19 does not need to quarantine (they are a Close Contact Exception) if all of the following apply:
• Both the infected person and exposed close contact are K-12 students;
• The exposure occurred in an indoor K-12 classroom;
• Both the exposed (close contact) student and the infected student wore face masks at all times during the close contact exposure; and
• At least three feet of physical distance was maintained at all times during the exposure.
• This exception does not apply to teachers, staff, or other adults in the indoor classroom setting.
Students meeting this close contact exception are included on the close contact spreadsheet that is submitted to RIDOH, with a note indicating that the students meet the new K-12 student close contact exemption.
Our New COVID Team
The District is in the process of hiring 2 individuals to help with contact tracing, data collection, testing, vaccination clinics and inventorying and ordering COVID-related supplies. Melissa Moroni, whom many of you know as a school nurse sub, a member of the town’s emergency response team, and a parent in the district, will serve as our .5 COVID RN and will coordinate much of the District’s mitigation efforts. A second, full-time position will assist Melissa and will maintain inventories of supplies, make calls, and coordinate testing and vaccination events.
Town Data
Last week, the number of new COVID cases in Smithfield dropped from 34 to 26 and the state’s number dropped from 1880 to 1854. The town rate corresponds to a daily rate of 3.7 new cases per 22,000 residents, or about 16.9 per 100,000. This is considered substantial transmission. This data is available at
Judy Paolucci, Superintendent
Return to School Report #2
August 27, 2021
Dear Smithfield Staff and Families,
This 2nd edition of the Back to School report (2021-2022) includes our weekly report on COVID cases, information regarding RIDOH guidance for stable groups, Smithfield’s plan, and town data. All Back to School reports will be posted on the COVID page of the district website (scroll down and click on green COVID tab).
A Weekly Report on COVID Cases
While we are not sure that we would receive notifications of positive COVID cases among our students and staff during the summer, we are aware of one additional case for a staff member. Official counts and totals will begin once school begins.
Stable Groups (an excerpt from the guidance documents)
Schools are encouraged to continue to use a stable group model (or cohorting) as feasible, especially in grade levels not yet eligible for vaccination. This means students from the same classroom should remain together as much as possible. School staff are allowed to travel between different classrooms. When it is not possible to maintain a physical distance of at least 3 feet, such as when schools cannot fully re-open while maintaining these distances, it is especially important to consider layering multiple prevention strategies, such as indoor masking, screening testing, stable grouping, improved ventilation, handwashing, and regular cleaning. Students should be reminded to cover coughs and sneezes, and to stay home when sick with symptoms of infectious illness, including COVID-19, to help reduce transmission risk.
Smithfield’s Plan
Smithfield’s Return to School Plan is available on the COVID page of the district website. See this link: . For additional information about strategies for schools to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, see this page:
A Word About Flexibility
As the school year progresses, changing conditions will require that we either tighten up or loosen up restrictions related to COVID-19. We will try to communicate with you as new guidance is released and as conditions change. If our children see us as flexible and resilient, they, too, will be flexible and resilient. Our efforts, ultimately, are in support of the well-being of our entire school community and in keeping our doors open.
Town Data
In the past four weeks, new COVID cases in Smithfield rose from 12 to 18 to 31 to 34. This corresponds to a daily rate of 4.9 new cases per 22,000 residents, or about 22.1 per 100,000. This is considered substantial transmission. This data is available at
Judy Paolucci, Superintendent
Return to School Report #1
Friday, August 20, 2021
Dear Smithfield Staff and Families,
This 1st edition of the Back to School report (2021-2022) includes our weekly report on COVID cases, transmission levels, back to school plans, town vaccination clinic, masks, and town data. All Back to School reports will be posted on the COVID page of the district website (scroll down and click on green COVID tab).
A Weekly Report on COVID Cases
While we are not sure that we would receive notifications of positive COVID cases among our students during the summer, we are aware of one case for a student and one staff case.
Transmission Levels
The following transmission levels are based upon the number of new cases of COVID-19 per week per 100,000 persons. The corresponding number of new cases in Smithfield is provided, given a population of approximately 21,650.
Per 100,000 In Smithfield
Low Transmission 0-9.99 0-2 (<5)
Moderate Transmission 10-49.99 5-11
Substantial Transmission 50-99.99 12-22
High Transmission 100 or greater 23+
2021-2022 Back to School Plans
A plan for the 2021-2022 school year was submitted to RIDOH and RIDE and is posted on our website. This plan includes assurances relating to instruction, health and safety, operations, and other areas. In addition, we submitted a grant application for a .5 RN to serve as our COVID coordinator and a support staff to assist with COVID-related functions, including vaccination clinics, testing, contact-tracing, and resource management.
Vaccination Clinic
Getting vaccinated is a way to protect yourself and your family and to reduce the overall spread of the virus in the community. A vaccination clinic will be held this Saturday, August 21st, from 9AM to 11AM at Smithfield High School. This is a clinic for all students, family and residents aged 12 years and older. While walk-ins are welcome, organizers appreciate pre-registration for this clinic at this link:
On August 19, 2021, Governor Dan McKee issued an executive order requiring that all students and staff wear masks inside school buildings. Our draft mask policy is consistent with this executive order.
Town Data
In the past three weeks, new COVID cases in Smithfield rose from 12 to 18 to 31. This corresponds to a daily rate of 4.4 new cases per 22,000 residents, or about 20.1 per 100,000. This is considered substantial transmission. This data is available at
Judy Paolucci, Superintendent