School Improvement Team
LaPerche is looking for 2 adult family members and 2 community members to serve on the LaPerche School Improvement Team. Our team meets in the morning at 8:00am. Meetings are scheduled for 8:00 am on Tuesday, November 19, Thursday, January 30, Tuesday, March 24 and Thursday, May 28. Are you interested in joining the team and helping to guide our awesome school? Please email Julie at if you are interested.
SIT Responsibilities (SPS Policy - BDFA)
Meet on a regular basis (no less than quarterly)
Develop a school improvement plan aligned to the District’s strategic plan
Monitor implementation of the school improvement plan
Evaluate the effects of the school improvement plan on the instructional experience of the students.
Assist with the following
Recommendations of changes to school procedures and handbooks that are consistent with state and local policies and standards
Review school data and identification of the educational needs of students
Review of the school building budget
Food Drive Update
LaPerche families have donated 293 pieces of food to use to create Thanksgiving baskets and to line the shelves of our local food bank! Thank you for your generosity! Mr. Feinstein has generously offered to donate $1 to LaPerche for every piece donated up to $1000! Keep those donations coming!
Reminder-Professional Development Day Tomorrow
Reminder--There is no school for students tomorrow, Thursday, November 14. Elementary teachers have a professional development day and middle and high school teachers have parent/teacher conference night. If this is a surprise to you, please sync your calendar with the school calendar so you are always up to date with school events. Click here and then click on the +Google in the lower right hand corner of the calendar. Conference day for elementary families is Thursday, December 5. There will be no school for students that day.
One and Done Fundraiser and Town Meeting
The winners of the One and Done Fundraiser will be pulled at the Town Meeting on Friday, November 22! Please plan to join us as the September, October and November student council perform. The event begins at 2:00.
Our fundraiser in the home stretch! We set a goal of $15,000 and we have already passed the $13,000 mark! Simply Amazing! This is the last call for tickets. Please send in any tickets by Tuesday, November 19. If you are not able to sell your tickets, please send them back to school with your child. Thank you!
Our last challenge is 35 tickets sold by each class. The classes that sell 35 tickets are invited to join us for crazy hat and hair day on Thursday, November 21.
Veteran’s Day Celebration:
LaPerche will celebrate Veteran’s Day on Friday, November 15 at 9:45. Please have your children wear RED, WHITE, and BLUE! All are invited to join us for this special ceremony!
Do you have a special veteran in your life who would like to join us for the ceremony? If so, please sign him or her up here. This is an amazing event where we all get to honor incredible men and women who have and continue to fight for our freedom. All LaPerche families are invited to attend.
Thanksgiving Feast:
Last call to order lunch for the Thanksgiving Feast- We need one response for each student and currently have 104 responses. We are missing over 140 responses! Our annual Thanksgiving Feast will be held on Wednesday, November 27 during both lunches. This is a wonderful tradition that families, staff and students all enjoy! Please complete the form for each child so we know what your child would like to eat that day Also, use the same link to sign up to volunteer for the event. Thank you!
Other Reminders:
Our next Volunteer Trainings are scheduled for 2:55pm on Friday, November 15 and 8:15 am on Wednesday, November 20. In order to volunteer at LaPerche you need to complete volunteer training once during your child’s career at LaPerche as well as have a yearly BCI on filed with the Smithfield Police Department. Training will take approximately 15 minutes.
Candy and soda are not allowed at school. Please do not send them to school in your children’s lunches.
Phones are not allowed at school. We have reports of students taking them out on the bus watching youtube videos. Please check your child’s backpack to ensure they are kept at home. Thank you!
To see other updates about things happening at the school visit the Live Feed of the school website.