3rd grade testing cars

Hello OCRS families,

I hope that you are able to enjoy this long Memorial Day weekend. It's a good opportunity for all of us to spend some time thinking about and honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the United States Armed Forces so that we may continue to enjoy our freedom. PBS Kids has a great video to help explain to kids the history and meaning of Memorial Day.



Back to School Report #36

Dr. Paolucci will share a weekly report with Smithfield families to provide the latest information on COVID-19 information and protocols. If you have not already read this week's "Back to School" report shared by Dr. Paolucci and our district COVID team, please take a few moments to review it at https://www.smithfield-ps.org/article/754504.

A Note on School Safety

Last Friday Dr. Paolucci shared information for families about school safety and the efforts that schools and the district take to keep students and staff safe while at school. If you have not had a chance to read it, I will link it here, https://www.smithfield-ps.org/article/754499.

Yellow shield

Important Health Information

As we get close to the end of the school year, it's important to share and review important health information with families so that we can keep our students as healthy as possible right up to the last day of the school!

Snacks and Lunches must be nut free

A reminder that all snacks and lunches sent into school from home must be nut free. Smithfield Schools are peanut/tree nut-free schools. No food may be sent into school this school year that contains any peanut/tree nut products in them. All elementary lunches and snacks must be peanut/tree nut free. We appreciate your cooperation.

No nuts

Be Aware of Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases

The warm weather brings with it ticks and the reality of tick-borne diseases. The R.I. Department of Health recommends a simple strategy for all Rhode Islanders to prevent tick-bites and tick-borne diseases:

  • Repel ticks with products that contain DEET or permethrin
  • Check for ticks daily
  • Remove ticks immediately and safely being careful to completely remove all parts of the tick

You can find lots of additional information on the R.I. Department of Health website at https://health.ri.gov/ticks. They also published a terrific "Tick Detective" workbook for kids.


Upcoming Spirit Days

As we move into June, we would like to celebrate the end of each week with a special Spirit Day to give students and staff an opportunity to have some fun together. Here is the list of all of the Spirit Days for the remainder of the year.

Friday, June 3rd - Sports Team/Theme Day
Friday, June 10th - Crazy Hair/Mismatch Day
Tuesday, June 14th - Red, White, & Blue Day (Flag Day)
Friday, June 17th - Dress for your Future Day
Friday, June 24th - Hawaiian/Beach Day


Reminder from RIDOH to Pre K-12 Families about COVID Isolation Protocols

The RIDOH has asked that all schools share the linked information about COVID Isolation Protocols with families and staff. Thank you!

Medical shield

Flyer for Burrillville Youth Football and Cheer

Please see the linked flyer for information about the Burrillville Youth Football and Cheer program.


PTA Information

Thank you for the Book Fair

Thank you to all our OCRS friends and family who supported the Scholastic Book Fair last week. We raised enough money to purchase a year's worth of scholastic magazines for the whole school for next year!

General Membership Meeting

There will be a PTA General Membership Meeting held on Wednesday, June 8th at 7:00 PM. An agenda will be shared as the date for the meeting approaches.

Upcoming Dates and Events

View and subscribe to the OCRS Public Events Calendar at https://oldcounty.smithfield-ps.org/o/old-county-road-elementary/page/monthly-calendar. Clicking on the "Add to Google Calendar" to subscribe to the calendar on your own calendar app.

NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day, Monday May 30th

PTA General Membership meeting, Wednesday June 8th

COVID Vaccination Clinic, Friday June 10th from 4PM to 7PM

Field Day, Wednesday June 15th

5th grade D.A.R.E. celebration and Step Up, Tuesday June 21st at 9:30 AM at Smithfield High School

Kindergarten celebration, Tuesday June 21st at 1:00 PM at Mendes Field

Last day of school for students, Friday, June 24th

Thank you,
Mr. Barrette

2nd grade Field Trip to RI Resource Recovery

2nd grade at Resource Recovery

3rd Grade testing out the wheels and bearings on cars they built during Science

3rd grade testing cars