3rd graders working with Mrs. Cahill

Hello OCRS families.

Today we set our clocks 1-hour forward and the first day of Spring is just one week away! It's nice to see daylight getting longer and the weather getting warmer. The forecast for this week looks to be amazing, so we're looking forward to having morning arrival, recess, and P.E. classes outside. The temperatures in the morning still look to start out chilly, so it's important for students to come to school dressed in layers to keep them warm during morning arrival. Also, 5th, 3rd, and 4th grade classes have P.E. in the morning and we want students to be able to dress warmly and be comfortable when having P.E. outside.

Set clock forward

Back to School Report #26

Like last year, Dr. Paolucci will share a weekly report with Smithfield families to provide the latest information on COVID-19 information and protocols. If you have not already read this week's "Back to School" report shared by Dr. Paolucci and our district COVID team, please take a few moments to review it at https://www.smithfield-ps.org/article/682650.

Kindergarten Registration for the 2022-23 School Year

Kindergarten registration is now open for the 2022-23 school year! Children who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2022, are eligible to register. Visit this site to begin the online registration process: https://www.smithfield-ps.org/page/registering-a-new-student.

Kindergarten registration

"Parenting Matters" Spring 2022 Conference

Bradley Hospital, the nation’s first psychiatric hospital for children, and Lifespan Community Health Institute present the 31st Parenting Matters conference, virtually, on Zoom. This half-day event offers parents, childcare providers, social workers, and teachers a unique opportunity to learn from top child development and behavior professionals in a casual setting.

The conference this year takes place on Sat., March 26 from 9-11:30 a.m. and the keynote speaker, Emily Oster, PhD will present "The Family Firm: A Data-Driven Guide to Better Decision Making in the Early School Years" and talk about her book, The Family Firm, which approaches parental decision-making using structured tools and data analysis.

Attendees will have the choice to attend one of the following workshop sessions:

  • "Technology Use and Children: A Focus on the Family System” with Dr. Justin Parent
  • “Gender: A Whole New World” with Dr. Jason Rafferty
  • “Pediatric Anxiety Research Center: Helping Kids and Teens Struggling with Anxiety and OCD since 1999” with Dr. Erin O’Connor and Dr. Bryana Killion

Register at https://www.lifespan.org/centers-services/parenting-matters and see this linked flyer for additional information.


Upcoming Dates and Events

View and subscribe to the OCRS Public Events Calendar at https://oldcounty.smithfield-ps.org/o/old-county-road-elementary/page/monthly-calendar. Clicking on the "Add to Google Calendar" to subscribe to the calendar on your own calendar app.


"Bein' Green" Spirit Day, Thursday March 17th

"Rock your Socks" World Down Syndrome Day, Monday March 21st

3rd Trimester Begins, Monday March 21st

PTA United Skates Event, Tuesday March 22nd 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

2nd Trimester Report Cards Available Online, Friday March 25th

Teaching & Learning Night, Wednesday April 13th, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

NO SCHOOL, Good Friday, Friday April 15th

PTA Egg Hunt, Saturday April 16th, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

NO SCHOOL, Spring Recess, April 18th through April 22nd

Thank you,
Mr. Barrette

4th graders simplifying fractions with Ms. Votta

4th grade simplifying fractions

2nd grade "bobsled" carts

2nd grade bobsled carts

2nd grade bobsled carts