5th grade P.E. activity

Hello OCRS families,

It appears that the weather is FINALLY warming up and we're looking forward to the rest of the snow and ice melting away so kids can get back outside for recess. Because the gym is closed during the renovation work, students will be going outside for P.E. whenever possible, so we ask that they make sure to have warm clothes with them at school for both P.E. and outdoor recess.

Back to School Report #25

Like last year, Dr. Paolucci will share a weekly report with Smithfield families to provide the latest information on COVID-19 information and protocols. If you have not already read this week's "Back to School" report shared by Dr. Paolucci and our district COVID team, please take a few moments to review it at https://www.smithfield-ps.org/article/675598.

Masks are optional starting on Monday, March 7th

The Governor's statewide mask mandate expired at 5:00 PM in the afternoon on Friday March 4th. Beginning on Monday, March 7th, the wearing of masks by students and staff is optional in all Smithfield schools. Mask wearing on school buses by students and drivers/monitors is also optional.

We know that some OCRS students and staff members will choose to continue to wear a mask while at school. It's important that we all demonstrate empathy and compassion because we don't know everyone's personal medical needs or the medical needs of their family members and people in their household. We appreciate your ongoing support in helping all of our students to be kind and respectful of others while at school.

Medical mask

Lunch and Breakfast Menus for March

There were a number of issues with the March online lunch and breakfast menus this past week. After lots of emails back and forth with our food service company, the online menus are now working as they should. You can find the menus on the OCRS website at the link https://smithfieldps.nutrislice.com/menu/old-county-road-elementary, as well as on the Nutrislice app if you have installed it on your phone. We appreciate your patience as we worked with our food service company to get the issues resolved.


Jump Rope for Heart

Please see below a message from Mr. Gruczka about Jump Rope for Heart.

Hello OCRS Families,

We had a wonderful Jump Rope For Heart Fundraiser this year where the students had 3 solid weeks of learning various jump rope tricks and skills capped off with an obstacle course utilizing all the available space in the gym. Thank you for your generous support, in total we raised $2,260.29 for The American Heart Association and combined with previous efforts, $460 is available to spend on PE supplies at U.S. Games.

We would like to recognize Rayla Mancone for her efforts as our top fundraiser. Way to go Rayla!!!  In recognition for her efforts, Rayla will get to be Principal for a morning with Mr. Barrette and PE Teacher for an afternoon with Mr. Gruczka. Thank you to all who fundraised to support the American Heart Association and the PE program here at OCRS!

Mr. Gruczka

Jumping rope

Fit2cook4Kids healthy food, fitness and social skills camps

Food And Truth, a RI nonprofit organization, offers the Fit2Cook4Kids summer camp enrichment program that empowers campers, 7 to 17, to become articulate ambassadors of healthy living. Their mission is to help stop the childhood obesity epidemic, one child, one family at a time. A flyer for the summer camps is below and families can find additional information on their website at https://www.foodandtruth.org/.

Fit2Cook4Kids flyer

PTA Information

PTA General Meeting

There is a PTA General Membership Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 3/9, at 7:00 p.m.

This meeting will be held in-person with a virtual option for families that would prefer to attend virtually. Masks will not be required for in-person attendees, however anyone who attends the meeting in-person can choose to wear a mask if they wish.

For families that would like to attend the meeting virtually, the Google Meet link and joining information is below.

Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zni-uiyb-tot
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 863-417-8118‬ PIN: ‪711 963 127‬#

We're hoping to see you there in-person or online!

Upcoming Dates and Events

View and subscribe to the OCRS Public Events Calendar at https://oldcounty.smithfield-ps.org/o/old-county-road-elementary/page/monthly-calendar. Clicking on the "Add to Google Calendar" to subscribe to the calendar on your own calendar app.


"Bein' Green" Spirit Day, Thursday March 17th

"Rock your Socks" World Down Syndrome Day, Monday March 21st

3rd Trimester Begins, Monday March 21st

2nd Trimester Report Cards Available Online, Friday March 25th

Teaching & Learning Night, Wednesday April 13th, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

NO SCHOOL, Good Friday, Friday April 15th

NO SCHOOL, Spring Recess, April 18th through April 22nd

Thank you,
Mr. Barrette

5th Grade working on solar system artwork

5th Grade working on solar system artwork

3rd grader sharing her own book with Kindergarten

3rd grader sharing her own book with Kindergarten