As you may have heard or read in the news, there is the possibility of Durham bus drivers and monitors in Smithfield to go on strike. In the event of a Durham bus strike, parents/guardians will need to provide their children with their own transportation to school.
Here is our elementary school contingency plan in the event of a strike:
At OCRS and LaPerche, parents may continue to drop off students starting at 7:45am. At PVES, parents may drop off students after 8:20am. There is no staffing for after- school supervision for elementary students.
For all elementary schools, students who have regularly been car riders/drop-off will continue to be dropped off and picked up in the front driveway loops. For OCRS, students who normally take the bus will be dropped off and picked up outside of doors 4 & 5 (we will share a map if there is a strike). For LaPerche, bus students will enter via the bus look through door #9. At PVES, bus students will be dropped off via door #4. We understand that some bus students may end up riding with families who have been driving their children to and from school.
Students who normally attend the YMCA program will be supervised by a YMCA employee at their home school. We have notified other childcare centers of the potential for a bus strike and have asked them to develop their own contingency plans.
We will continue to communicate with students' families and share information as it becomes available.
Thank you,
Mr. Barrette