Hello OCRS families,
It's FINALLY spring and this weekend's weather has been beautiful. I hope that all families have had at least a few minutes to get outside and enjoy the sun. It is also the beginning of the 3rd trimester of the school year, so your child's specialist schedule will again change as it did at the start of the 2nd trimester. More details about the scheduling change below.
"Back to School" Report from Dr. Paolucci
If you have not already read the latest "Back to School" report shared by Dr. Paolucci, please take a few moments to review it at https://www.smithfield-ps.org/article/423747. As usual, there is quite a bit of important information for all Smithfield families.
3rd Trimester Specialist Schedule Change
As you know, the district made some adjustments to the elementary specialists' schedules for this year to minimize the exposure that these itinerant teachers have had across schools. This resulted in students having Art, Library, or Music twice per week for one trimester and not having Art, Library, or Music at all for one trimester. For the 3rd trimester, students will have Library twice per week, Music once per week, P.E./Health twice per week, and will not have Art. This new schedule rotation will begin on Monday, March 22nd.
Updated CDC Guidance about Spacing of Students in Classrooms
As you are probably aware, on Friday March 19th, the CDC released updated guidance on the spacing of students within school classrooms, reducing the recommendation from 6 feet to 3 feet. OCRS and all of the Smithfield elementary schools are in the process of considering how this updated guidance may impact our current practices and protocols. Mr. Barrette and Mrs. Forte are scheduled to participate in the bi-weekly K12 RIDOH meeting for our region this Thursday afternoon. If we have any additional information to share after this meeting, we will do so via email and social media. All families are welcome to read the updated CDC guidance at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/operation-strategy.html.
Reminder about Sending Students to School Daily with a Clean Mask
Just a quick reminder to all families to please send your student to school each day with a clean, well-fitting mask. Universal mask wearing at school is one of the most important ways for us to minimize any spread of COVID and we need to consistently continue this practice for the safety of all students and staff. We do have some extra masks to provide students that need them, but those supplies are limited.
Distributing Party or Event Invitations at School
This year, students are not permitted to distribute invitations to birthday parties or other outside of school events here at school. As a school it is not our role to be telling families what activities are safe or appropriate for them to engage in outside of school and we know that families are making these decisions based upon what is best for their own family. However it can be confusing for students and families alike if we are trying to continue to consistently follow our health and safety protocols while we're at school, but then we're also handing out invitations for outside parties and events. I fully anticipate that when the COVID pandemic has ended and things are back to "normal" that we will once again allow students to hand out party and event invitations here at school (if they are inviting everyone in their classroom) as we have done in the past. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
SilverGraphics Fundraiser Online Shop is Open!
Old County Road School's Online Art Shop is open for ordering! Families can use the link below and unique access code to find their student's artwork AND upload additional artwork if you so choose.
Go to www.silvergraphics.com/shop and enter ACCESS CODE: OCRSart21
You can order from art your child has created at school or upload art from home. SilverGraphics will print it on face masks, mugs, canvas bags, tiles, and other beautiful mementos. Find the perfect gift for any special occasion, preserve a memory of your child’s creativity, and proudly display your child’s art on treasured keepsakes.
You will be able to upload multiple pieces of art, something your child created in the past, a new drawing, or both. Sibling art, family projects, and photographs are also accepted! To prepare your art for uploading, follow these easy instructions for how to scan/photograph your art. You can also show school pride and order products imprinted with the OCRS logo!
For questions, contact your School Coordinator: Stefanie Howell at stefaniedhowell@yahoo.com.
PTA Information
5th Grade Committee meeting
The OCRS PTA 5th Grade Committee is meeting online on Tuesday, 3/23 at 7:00 p.m. All 5th grade families are invited and encouraged to attend. You can find additional information at https://www.facebook.com/events/194263112132976.
SilverGraphics Fundraiser
The OCRS online SilverGraphics shop is open! Please see the information earlier in this email to browse the online shop, upload additional artwork, and place your order. Thank you to Stefanie Howell and the members of the 5th grade committee for organizing this terrific fundraiser!
PTA General Membership Meeting
The next PTA General Membership meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, April 7th at 7:00 p.m. Like all meetings this year, this meeting will be held online. Specific details and a link to login will be shared as we get closer to April.
Upcoming Dates and Events
First Day of 3rd Trimester, Monday March 22nd
5th Grade Committee Meeting, Tuesday March 23rd at 7:00 p.m.
Student BinaxNOW COVID Testing at School, Monday March 29th
5th Grade Committee Meeting, Tuesday March 30th at 7:00 p.m.
NO SCHOOL, Good Friday, April 2nd
PTA General Membership Meeting, Wednesday April 7th at 7:00 p.m.
Ongoing thanks to OCRS families for your Patience, Flexibility, and Empathy. Those three words are guiding us throughout this school year and we will all need to continue to make adjustments as the year progresses . As long as we approach those adjustments with the best interests of our students as our priority, I am confident that this will continue to be a safe and successful year.
Mr. Barrette