Hello OCRS families,
Just a quick update on this upcoming short week of Distance Learning.
Distance Learning for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
As you know, Monday (12/21), Tuesday (12/22), and Wednesday (12/23) will be Distance Learning days for all Smithfield elementary schools. Learning plans will be posted each day in student’s Google Classrooms that will list the daily agenda and schedule. Teachers will be teaching live during the school day beginning at 8:25 a.m. and lessons will be taking place through 2:40 p.m. Virtual learning students should login to their classroom teacher’s Google Classroom and participate in the schedule with the rest of the students in their class. While we know that distance learning has its own set of challenges, this will be a great opportunity for all in-person and virtual learning students to be working together as an entire class.
Please note that students logging into their teacher’s Meet after 8:25am will be marked tardy for the day. Attendance will be taken during the live morning meeting with their classroom teacher. Students will have opportunities throughout the day to work away from the Chromebook and all students will have a scheduled one-hour lunch/recess break.
Please do your best to provide a place at home for your child that minimizes distractions and encourages your child to actively participate in daily distance learning lessons and focus on their learning. We understand that this is much easier said than done and we will work with OCRS families on an individual basis to find the best solution possible during Distance Learning.
District's Plan for the Week of January 4th
Dr. Paolucci is recommending to the School Committee that all students will continue to participate in Distance Learning during the week of January 4th. This recommendation will be discussed at the School Committee meeting on December 21st. Unless COVID cases rise significantly over the next few weeks, our preliminary plan is to return all students back to in-person instruction, beginning on January 11th. We will share additional details and information with OCRS families after December 21st.
Upcoming Dates and Events
Switch to Distance Learning for All Students, Monday December 21st
Holiday Break, NO SCHOOL, 12/24-1/1
Distance Learning continues for the week of January 4th
Tentative return to in-person learning on Monday, January 11th
Thank you to all OCRS families who have reached out to express condolences and sympathy on the death of my father. Your support during this very difficult time has meant a great deal to me and my family. I feel humbled and grateful to be a member of the OCRS community.
I am going to remain out of school through this week to attend my father's services and continue to spend time with my family. Please email your child's teachers, our secretary Mrs. Deus (mdeus@smithfield-ps.org), or our Assistant Superintendent Dr. Monaco (smonaco@smithfield-ps.org) with any questions about school through the end of this week. I will be back after the holidays.
Thank you,
Mr. Barrette