Hello OCRS families,
As you know, Governor Raimondo announced this past Thursday that she was recommending that R.I. high schools shift to having 25% of their student population attending in-person learning at one time. The announcement from the governor on Thursday does not pertain to elementary schools, so we are operating with the same model, schedule, and protocols in place that have been successful for our school community.
Thank you to all OCRS families for your continued cooperation and support as our entire community works to keep everyone healthy. Your hard work and diligence have made a huge difference for our school and our students!
Return to School Planning Report #23
On Friday, Dr. Paolucci shared the twenty-third Smithfield "Return to School Planning Report" with all Smithfield families. If you have not yet read it or if you did not receive it, I strongly encourage you to read the weekly report in its entirety at https://www.smithfield-ps.org/article/353153.
Reminders for Families to Help Keep our School Community Healthy
All of the OCRS teachers and staff are grateful for the tremendous support from our students' families in following the R.I. Department of Health guidelines these past few months. It has been hard work, but together we have been able to keep our school open for the benefit of our students. Here are some reminders for all of us through these crucial weeks before the Holiday Break:
- Please immediately contact Mr. Barrette (pbarrette@smithfield-ps.org) and Mrs. Forte (cforte@smithfield-ps.org) as soon as you receive notification of a positive COVID test result in your household. We immediately begin to collect the information necessary to identify close contacts in the school environment and call the R.I. Department of Health to inform them of the case. While we do appreciate families contacting their child's classroom teacher, it is vitally important that you contact Mr. Barrette and Mrs. Forte because we are the school's identified contacts with the R.I. Department of Health and we continue to receive information and training on the exact steps that need to be taken in terms of quarantine to keep the rest of the school safe.
- Please immediately contact Mr. Barrette (pbarrette@smithfield-ps.org) and Mrs. Forte (cforte@smithfield-ps.org) if anyone in your household has been directed to quarantine due to being a close contact of someone that has tested positive for COVID. Again, Mr. Barette and Mrs. Forte have received the information and training on the exact steps that need to be taken in terms of quarantine to keep the rest of the school safe.
- Please immediately contact Mr. Barrette contact Mr. Barrette (pbarrette@smithfield-ps.org) and Mrs. Forte (cforte@smithfield-ps.org) if anyone in your household is currently waiting to receive COVID test results. Students that live in the same household as someone that has been tested for COVID must stay at home until the results of the rapid and PCR tests have been received. Usually this is just a few days (at most), but it is important that we follow this guideline to prevent the possible exposure of other students and staff.
- As a request, please think twice before sending your child to a party or social gathering. While I understand that people want to get together and socialize with family and friends, these social events are impacting learning and safety for all OCRS students, staff, and families. We need to keep our social circles outside of school and work as small as possible. I also realize that everyone is really tired of the COVID guidelines; teachers and staff are exhausted as well. However, it is crucial that we continue to be as consistent as possible following the COVID guidelines and protocols to do everything we can to keep schools open for our students.
Distribution of Learning Materials to Students in Isolation or Quarantine
When a student needs to enter an isolation period (because they have tested positive for COVID) or stay at home in quarantine (because they are a household contact or close contact of someone who tested positive), we will assemble learning materials for that student to be able to participate in virtual learning for the duration of their isolation and/or quarantine period. In each individual case, we will communicate with the student's family and make arrangements either for the pick up or delivery of the materials.
In the event that a student is at home for a few days awaiting COVID test results, we will not assemble a full package of learning materials. Students who are home for a few days can still use their school account to login to Google Classroom (https://classroom.google.com) from any internet connected device if they would like to keep up with the assignments posted. If a student is sent home from school with any health symptoms and needs to be tested before returning to school, we will make sure to send them home with their Chromebook so they can more easily access Google Classroom.
Distribution of Report Cards by Monday, 12/14
Students will be receiving their Trimester 1 report cards by Monday, December 14th. Report cards will be shared with each family electronically. Report cards are based on year end goals, so the Trimester 1 Report Card indicates progress demonstrated during this period of learning towards the year end goals. Families will receive a separate email from Mr. Barrette after Thanksgiving with additional details about report cards.
Parent-Teacher Conferences on Monday, 12/14
Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for Monday, 12/14. This year, all conferences will be held virtually either by video conference or by phone. All conferences will be scheduled by appointment between 1:00 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. After Thanksgiving teachers will reach out to their students' families to schedule conference appointments.
OCRS Spirit Days
Students and staff are invited to wear their OCRS "Spirit Gear" every Monday and Friday, so there is no need to wait for any specific dates (a few students asked about it this week). We will also be having various theme days after Thanksgiving giving students and staff to show off their school spirit! Mr. Barrette will send out information about the theme days after Thanksgiving.
Smithfield F.O.P. Offering Photos with Santa on Saturday, 12/5 from 2:00 to 4:00
The Smithfield Fraternal Order of Police is offering "Photos with Santa" to all Smithfield students on Saturday, 12/5 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the parking lot of Smithfield High School. These pictures are free with the donation of a non-perishable food item.
PTA Information
PTA Membership
Please sign-up to be a member of the OCRS PTA for the 2020-2021 school year. OCRS PTA membership fees this year are $5.00 for the 1st family member, and $3.00 for each additional family member. Families can sign-up and pay for the membership online at https://my.cheddarup.com/c/ocrspta.
5th Grade Committee
Thank you to Dorothy Chin Gerding and Brittan Bates-Manni for volunteering to co-chair this year's 5th Grade Committee! All parents of 5th grade students are welcome (and encouraged) to lend a helping hand to Mrs. Chin Gerdin and Mrs. Bates-Manni as they work to plan safe and memorable events for our 5th grade students during this very "unique" school year. If you would like to reach out to either parent, please let Mr. Barrette know and he will share their contact information with you.
Upcoming Dates and Events
Thanksgiving Break, NO SCHOOL, 11/25-11/27
Parent-Teacher Conferences (No No in-person learning for students), Monday 12/14
Holiday Break, NO SCHOOL, 12/24-1/1
Ongoing thanks to OCRS families for your Patience, Flexibility, and Empathy. Those three words are guiding us throughout this school year and we will all need to continue to make adjustments as the year progresses. As long as we approach those adjustments with the best interests of our students as our priority, I am confident that this will continue to be a safe and successful year.
Mr. Barrette