#Engage, Energize, & Educate

October 4th

Dear Families,

Thank you Mrs. MJ for the wonderful assembly that we had last Friday.  Another big thank you to ALL of the  police officers, fire department officials, students from SHS, and members of SSELAC for attending our assembly, as well as our Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Dawn Bartz. 

We are so grateful for the inclusive community that exists at PVES.

.Photograph Form

Please complete this form to indicate whether or not you give permission for the school to photograph your child.   

The sooner we have this information the sooner we can begin adding pictures to our newsletters and school television.Thank you for your cooperation. 

Weekly Flyers

3rd-5th Geography Night at PVES Registration is required Here is the registration link.

3rd-5th Multi-Purpose After School  Program

Pumpkin Palooza

Trunk or Treat Flyer  Saturday, October 19th/Registration Form for the Trunk or Treat

Panda Players Reveal Week

Revive the Roots "Dig Day at PVES!"


Monday, October 7th - Sensory Hour

From 4-5PM in East Smithfield Public Library's conference room, we will have crafts, sensory bins, fidgets, and other sensory friendly activities. This is a free flowing event, so come anytime in the hour!

Wednesday, October 8th - SSELAC Meeting

Our first meeting of the school year will start at 6:30PM in the SHS Media Center and we are thrilled to have Decoding Dyslexia speaking! Also, we have linked up with the Ability Bridge Foundation who will be in a classroom doing various activities during our meetings, so please feel free to bring your children. If you are unable to attend in person, join us on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88007142567

Saturday, October 19th - CPR/First Aid Training

Happening in the Police Community Room starting at 9AM, this event is free for anyone 13 and older. Registration is required: https://forms.gle/NcYgdiobSMWMwNvW7

Everyday Speech

I will  provide an overview of our Everyday Speech programs on a regular basis for each of our different grade levels. 

In our Everyday Speech Program (Social Emotional Learning), for Kindergarten, the goal is Self-Awareness for unit 1.

Self-Awareness is a measure of how accurately learners can recognize their feelings and thoughts and learn to understand how those influence their behavior.

After completing these lessons, students should be able to:

  • Label basic emotions and recognize some complex emotions (e.g., embarrassment, frustration, nervousness)

  • Express and share their feelings in a variety of ways including through speaking, writing, drawing, and role play

  • Demonstrate confidence in their own abilities

  • Begin to recognize that others have different thoughts and feelings

Hot Spot Virtual Day

If you are in need of a hot spot in the event of a virtual day, please email me at tviera@smithfield-ps.org before Friday, October 11th so I can make arrangements to get a hot spot for your family.

BCI Link From Our District Website

There were a handful of parents that had difficulty with the district’s BCI link.  The BCI link has been updated.

BCI Link

Lost! Please Find!

Our Lost & Found has grown to cover two banquet tables!  Please label your child’s sweatshirts, coats, lunchboxes, water bottles, etc.  Also, encourage your child to visit Lost & Found outside the cafeteria if they are missing anything from home. Thank you! 


Students should refrain from bringing in any kind of toys (which includes balls) unless it is a teacher approved fidget (with no sound).

Important Dates:

Wednesday, October 9th-SSELAC meeting at SHS Media Center at 6:30pm/ Wear your Panda Spirit Gear!

Friday, October 11th-District “Pink Out Day” Wear PINK!

Saturday, October 12th- Dig Day at PVES with Stacie Nichols from Revive the Roots from 9:30-11:30 am & Fifth grade Fall Festival at Cucumber Hill Farm

Monday, October 14th-No School Columbus/Indigenous People’s Day

Thursday, October 17th-Geography Night in the cafeteria (door 2) 5:30-7:30pm for Grades 3rd-5th

Saturday, October 19th-Trunk or Treat at PVES staff parking lot 5:30-7:00 pm and Sensory friendly hours 

5:00-5:30 pm 

Wednesday, October 16th-Fire Safety Assemblies

Friday, October 18th- Today is Crazy Hair Day!

Friday, October 25th-Pumpkin Palooza in the courtyard

Thursday, October 31st-Wear your Black & Orange today!

Monday, November 4th-Revive the Roots is here!

Tuesday, November 5th-No School/Election Day

Friday, November 8th-Veteran’s Day Assembly 9:30-10:30 am (PVES front lawn-weather permitting)

Sunday, November 10th-Bruins Game-More information to follow

Monday, November 11th-No School 

Tuesday, November 12th-PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria (door 2).  Children are welcome to attend.

Wednesday, November 13th-No School /Professional Day

Thursday, November 14th-Makeup LifeTouch pictures

Thursday, November 28th & Friday, November 29th-No School/Thanksgiving Break

Tuesday. December 5th-Grades 4 & 5 Musical Auditions in the cafeteria

Friday, December 6th- Winter Event-More Details To Follow

Monday, December 9th-Revive the Roots is here!

Tuesday, December 10th-Revive the Roots is here.

Monday, December 9th-December 16th-Scholastic Book Fair

Tuesday, December 10th-Movie Night-More information to follow

Wednesday, December 11th-Parent Conferences by appointment only from 1:00-7:45 pm  and the Scholastic  Book Fair in the Library

Tuesday, December 12th- Grades 4 & 5 Musical Auditions in the cafeteria

Tuesday, December 13th-PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria (door 2).  Children are welcome to attend.

Monday, December 16th through Friday, December 20th-Winter Wonderland

Tuesday, December 17th- Grades K, 1, and 2 Winter Concert From 9:30-11:20 am

Wednesday, December 18th-Grades 3, 4, and 5 Winter Concert From 9:30-11:20 am

December 23rd-January 1st-No School/Holiday Recess

Tuesday, January 7th-PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria (door 2).  Children are welcome to attend.

Wednesday, January 15th-SSELAC meeting at SHS Media Center at 6:30pm

Monday, January 27th-Classroom Spelling Bees take place in 4th & 5th grade classrooms this week.

Tuesday, February 4th-PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria (door 2).  Children are welcome to attend.

Friday, February 7th-Spelling Bee finalists attend Spelling Bee at LaPerche at 9:30 am.

Tuesday, March 4th-PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria (door 2).  Children are welcome to attend.

Saturday, March 8th- Selected 4th & 5th Graders will participate in the All State Chorus 9:00-3:30 pm at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium-More information to follow

Wednesday, March 19th-SSELAC meeting at SHS Media Center at 6:30pm

Tuesday, April 1st-PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria (door 2).  Children are welcome to attend

Thursday, April 3rd-5th to 6th Grade Orientation at GMS-Time TBD

Sunday, April 6th-Student Choice is Dave & Busters from 9:00-12:00 pm or the Dance from 4:00-7:00 pm 

Thursday, April 10th-Teaching & Learning Night-more information to follow.

Tuesday, May 6th--PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria (door 2).  Children are welcome to attend.

Monday, May 12th-Wednesday, May 14th- Musical Rehearsal

Thursday, May 15th-Musical Performance-more information to follow

Wednesday, May 21st-SSELAC meeting at SHS Media Center at 6:30pm

Thursday, May 22nd-Grade 3 & 4 Field Trip to the RI Philharmonic from 10:30-1:00 pm

Friday, May 30th-District Fifth Grade Field Day at Deerfield Park

Tuesday, June 3rd-PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria (door 2).  Children are welcome to attend.

Thursday, June 5th-Field Day at PVES

Friday, June 6th-Rain Date for Field Day at PVES

June 11th-Tentative Kindergarten Ceremony at PVES and Fifth Grade Moving Up Ceremony at SHS 

Have a wonderful weekend!


Mrs. Dohoney & Mrs. Viera