#Engage, Energize, & Educate

June 3rd - June 7th

Dear Families,

A huge thank you to Alycia Casazza, Sandy Barrette, Meghan Moretti, the stage crew, and the lighting/sound crew , and our performers for the fabulous Talent Show on Thursday night.


TS2 TS4  TS6

Also, thank you to the PTO, Jessica Marcaccio, and the many volunteers that made our annual carnival possible. The carnival was thoroughly enjoyed by ALL!

Carnival 1 Carnival 2

Lastly, thank you to Deb Bettencourt, Jackie Mateo, Erica Tibbetts, Amanda Montalbano, Gina Sifakis, and the volunteers for inventorying our science kits and bagging popcorn today. Your help with the kits is greatly appreciated by the teachers.

Special Olympics

We want to wish our special olympians luck on participating at the Special Olympics at U.R.I. this weekend! Good luck and have fun!

Unified Junior Pandas

Special Olympics Torch Run -1 Special Olympics Torch Run-2

Feinstein Grant Awarded to PVE

A big thank you to Mrs. MJ, Miss Morretti,  and the Unified Committee for embracing my idea of a Choose to Include mural near door 8. Miss Morretti did an AMAZING job going above and beyond by painting this mural.  Last, another huge thank you goes out to Mrs. Ross, who applied for and was awarded a $2,000.00 grant for PVES by submitting pictures of our new mural! WOOHOO!

mural 1 mural 2 mural 3

Smithfield Woods Senior Living

We are looking forward to welcoming  seniors from Smithfield Woods on June 6th at 12:40 pm. They will have lunch with our second and fourth graders this week.

Pictures of the Fifth Grade Boston Museum of Science Field Trip

Thank you to our chaperones, teachers, and students for an enjoyable field trip this past Wednesday. Also, thank you to the PTO for funding this field trip.

BMS photo 1 BMS photo 4

BMS photo 2  BMS photo 5

BMS photo 3 BMS photo 6

Field Day/June 6th (rain date June 7th)

Field Day Letter

Volunteers for this event have closed.

Everyday Speech (Social Emotional Learning)   

Today students watched a video about making decisions at lunch.  The paraprofessional and students discussed responsible ways to aid in decision making.

Weekly Flyers 

Summer Food Drive

Canobie Lake Day Trip for  Fifth Graders

Chartwells Menus for June

Chartwells Breakfast Menu for June

Chartwells Lunch Menu for June

Important Dates:

Monday, June 3rd-All third graders attend a field trip to Casey Farm

Tuesday, June 4th-SHS Seniors Walk Through PVE & Revive the Roots is doing educational programs in the PVES garden./Third grade field trip to Birds of a Woony from 9:15-1:30 pm/ PTO Meeting at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria. Please enter through door 2.

Wednesday, June 5th-Revive the Roots is doing educational programs in the PVES garden.

Thursday, June 6th-Field Day at PVES

Friday, June 7th Rain date for Field Day at PVES!/Fifth graders cheer on the seniors on their last field trip and bus ride.

Wednesday, June 12th- Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony in the PVE Gymnasium at 9:30 am  & Fifth Grade Moving Up Ceremony at the SHS Auditorium (Instrument returns due) at 1:00 pm.

Thursday, June 13th-All kindergarteners field trip to the Capron Park Zoo

Wednesday,June 14th-First Grade field trip to the Southwick Zoo 9:15-1:35 pm/Fifth Grade Breakfast

Monday, June 17th-Last Day of School

Wednesday, June 19th-Fifth Grade Trip to Canobie Park 

Tuesday, August 20th-Tentative Kindergarten Orientation

Tuesday, August 27th-First Day of School for Grades 1st-5th

Tuesday, August 27th-Thursday, August 29th-Tentative Kindergarten Screening

Friday, August 30th-No School

Tuesday, September 2nd- No School/Labor Day

Wednesday, September 3rd-First day of school for kindergarteners/Time for arrival to be announced. Students do not take the bus on their first day of school.

Tuesday, September 10th-No School/Primary Election Day

Thursday, September 12th-Tentative PVE Open House

Monday, September 16th-Boosterthon Kick-Off

Wednesday, October 2nd-LifeTouch fall pictures

Thursday, November 14th-Makeup LifeTouch pictures

Friday, December 6th-Holiday Night

Have a wonderful weekend!


Mrs. Dohoney & Mrs. Viera