Dear Families,

First and foremost, the entire staff, Mrs, Dohoney, and I want to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!No SchoolThere is NO SCHOOL on Thursday, November 23rd and Friday, November 24th for the Thanksgiving Break.Walker DismissalWalker Dismissal Passes were distributed to families in early fall. It has come to our attention that these are not being used consistently, and this is a safety concern.Please be advised that beginning on Monday, November 27th if you do not have your Walker Dismissal Pass, you will be required to sign your child/children out after the students with passes have been dismissed.  If you need a Walker Dismissal Pass, please email Mrs. Ross at Thank you for your cooperation.A Message From SSELAC:Just a friendly reminder that SSELAC will hold their upcoming meeting on Wednesday, November 29th at Pleasant View Elementary Media Center at 6:30PM.  Please be sure to enter through door 4 which is across from the SHS track and is where our buses load during the school day.Here is the flyer on Santa and Mrs. Claus. SSELAC  Sensory Friendly Santa & Mrs. ClausAttention VolunteersThe Pleasant View Elementary School PTO is looking for volunteers to assist with our Holiday Crafts and Cookies event on the evening of Wednesday December 6th. The event will be at the school from 6:00pm-7:30 pm.  An event flyer with full details to follow soon.Please review the available volunteer slots and sign up HERE As a reminder, to participate in school volunteer opportunities, volunteers must:1.       Review the PVES Volunteer Handbook and complete the Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement2.       Have an updated BCI check on file at the school.  More info here:  Smithfield Schools BCI  WeatherPlease dress your child appropriately for the weather.  The students have outdoor recess whenever possible. Attention Unified Committee MembersIn order to allow Unified ample time that does not interfere with our  instructional minutes, the Unified Committee will now meet before school every week on Wednesdays starting on December 6th at 8:00am in the Old Library.Additionally, there still will be one in school meeting  each month.  For the month of December it will be held on the 8th.. If you have other children in another grade, Mrs. MJ has graciously agreed for them to be dropped off at the same time and can attend the meeting. If your child is on Safety Patrol, they can opt to not participate when the before meetings are being held.Important Dates:Sunday, December 2nd-Smithfield ‘s All Lit Up Parade.. More information to followTuesday, December 5th-PTO Meeting in the cafeteria (Door 2). Children are welcome.Wednesday, December 6th-6:00-7:30PM Holiday Crafts in the cafeteria Tuesday, December 12th- PTO Trolls Movie Night at the CW Theater in LincolnWednesday December 13th-No School/Parent Conferences/Scholastic Book FairM, T, Th, F - December 18,19, 21, 22 -Holiday ShopWednesday December 20th - Winter ConcertMonday, December 25th-January 1st-Holiday Recess/No School

Happy Thanksgiving!

Warm Regards,Mrs. Dohoney & Mrs. Viera
